There is an urgent need to create a level playing field for domestic players through fostering fair competition and using trade remedies with lightening speed.
By Ruben Banerjee
Strong anti-dumping duties will compensate Indian industry for the injuries it suffers, secure supply chains, and generate jobs, in the face of continuing dumping of products by foreign countries.
By C-DEP Team
The purpose of this report is to compile the challenges being faced by Indian industries that are competitive, but are facing injuries from foreign companies that are misusing their overcapacities to sell products in India at costs lower than what it costs in their respective domestic markets.
Government should not be held hostage to private-sector first policy and leverage public sector entities to get into industries that are of national importance.
Government should not be held hostage to private-sector first policy and leverage public sector entities to get into industries that are of national importance.
From technology flows wealth. Technology can thus play a major role in accelerating the Indian economy, but would require focus on attaining leadership in various niche technological fields.
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