
Analysis of Telecom Revenue Frameworks Amid Increasing Data Traffic

Analysis of Telecom Revenue Frameworks Amid Increasing Data Traffic

Comparative Analysis of Trade Remedies used by Key Economies

This report by C-DEP focuses on the challenges faced by Indian industries that are competitive, but are facing injuries from foreign companies that are misusing their overcapacities to sell products in India at costs lower than what it costs in their respective domestic markets.

C-DEP in Andhra Pradesh Government Group on Upskilling School Education

Group to suggest measures to prepare students of government schools for high-end jobs in futuristic technologies.

Accelerating Digital Atmanirbhar: Report on Remedial Steps Required for Making India the World's Capital in Optical Fibre Manufacturing

C-DEP report highlights measures that need to be urgently taken to make India – which already has the capacity far greater than the domestic demand – the world capital in optical fibre.